Saturday Night’s Alright for Dying

We pushed the windows wide open
Let clothes find their way into any old drawer
The fan is jammed and clicks, broken
We’ll visit it later at fan hospital

We put tiny blindfolds on our pets
Now they’re experiencing new vistas and adventures

We need more werewolves around here
Stalking around suburbia and occasionally taking a housewife

A good place to hide is the basement bathroom, with a book we never finish
Toileting until legs go numb

A pet bumps in, via the walls and door frames
Sniffing for the scratching hand, sprawled at your feet
Attentive to crickets, werewolves, and the occasional plane

A door bangs shut somewhere

But the windows are open still

copyright © 2025 by Luke DeLalio. All rights reserved. May evil come to you if you steal my stuff.